Thursday, April 22, 2010


Symphonies of destruction play. We recoil in the darkest hole. And they hunt us. They are within us. Our rage turns into wails. Into tears. And they never hear. So we burn. We burn them all. We burn us all. They fade in the whirlwind of days. But we’ll always last, in the particles of air.

Song 12: Recess-Muse
Check Out G-Man  


  1. so awsome. Think this was a really strong 55. Can never do 55 without going over

  2. Hello, Maha.
    I think this is beautiful. Distraught and troubling but beautiful too.... "we'll last, in the particles of air."

    Burning bright! Happy weekend to you.

    My 55 is up too!

  3. This was so powerful and amazing.

    When I saw the title of this post, all I could think about was the song Resistance by Muse. :)

  4. all that sorrow but you leave us with a glimmer of hope, maha. this was frightening, desperate...

  5. I do not always feel such pain and desperation, but I surely cannot write about anything but it! I just cannot write normal, everyday-life stuff. I believe that pain has its own attractive dark magic that touches every heart. Come to think of it, if Romeo and Juliette eventually got married and lived happily ever after, would that play be immortal?

  6. you could have put the megadeath song symphony of i hear what you are say as well. suffering has the power to bring us all together, because we have all been there...

  7. It burns but shines... lovely and great work MAha!

  8. You've captured the despair and turmoil so vividly in 55 words, Maha. Trapped in that miry pit, unable to escape, and the anger and rage turns.

  9. Wow...I'm speechless, you've how captured conflict transforms a people, how it insights fear and then suppression and death in only 55 words. This was a joy to read.

  10. So good! Those furies are inside us and outside us. So much energy.

  11. You do have a tendency to go toward the dark side. There is magic in the light also. Not all love needs to be tragic to be immortal.

  12. Very powerful 55. Dark and mesmerizing.

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my site.


  13. Wow! That's powerful...beautiful, and hard, too. Great 55!!

  14. oh yes, the rage that turns into
    these walls, erected by fear,
    that burns with intensity.
    almost but never truly destroying
    us, because "we'll always last,
    in the particles of air"
    brilliant, maha.

  15. Wonderfully done, Maha. Suffering does seem to inspire great emotion.

  16. Wow that was 55!!!

    All the words have been taken to describe this powerful story

    my 55 is somewhere on
