And it still marvels me love, when lies are spoken by your lips, they are as honest as truth is.
One day you told me your secret. Ushering me to the heart of woods, when Earth still slept, you walked. Insomniac owls echoed our footsteps. You sat me down on the shreds of broken branches. And then moved two lines of dead roses, your mouth speaking of your hidden depth.
“When melancholy creeps between your ribs, you either wish for felicity to come or death to take you.”
“And what chose you?”
“Neither. I wish to not exist; for after this life there comes a life, and at the notion of again being alive, I flinch.”
“And can you not exist?”
“It hurt to be imprisoned by an existence in which you had no choice. But you can pretend. I feign life so when they look at me, you think you see a soul, while I am nothing but a ghost”
“So do tell me love, for hope when it’s all so hopeless kills, do you love me still?”
“And to you, what is love?”
“Love is when you talk in metaphors”
“Love is when you don’t talk at all”
“ Love is when a gravity pulls you towards a hole, and not knowing the grounds of it, you jump.”
“Love is when you regret falling, but have no strength to climb”
‘Love is when you are warm”
“Love is when you burn”
“Love is when you are freefalling”
“Love is when you lose the ability to choose”
“Love is when you forsake material”
“Love is when you walk, blindfolded, stumbling and hurting, for you can’t see material at all”
“Love is when you are born in parallel dimensions”
“Love is when you are dead on the grounds of truth”
“Plato said, ‘At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet’”
“And I say at the touch of love everyone becomes a slave”
“Love is a great magician”
“Love is a great tyrant”
You put my hands over your heart and whispered, “Can you carry it for me; it’s become so heavy I can’t breathe anymore”
So green and raw your eyes were. But now you walk, lids half closed,with the weight of truth.