Saturday, March 27, 2010


I've received four awards, and well, I've been real lazy to post them. So, now, I'll start from the oldest.

The Happy Award has been bestowed to me by the beautiful Jess.  
I should name 10 things that make me happy

6-Recklessness when it's possible. I know this one sounds a bit weird, but, come on, don't you ever get this feeling of freedom when you ditch some stuff and no one goes there to reproach you?
7-Objecting (that's one of my hobbies!)
8-Pencils (Don't Ask!!)

As for the nominations, well anyone whoever visited my blog and told me his opinion made me happy. So, it's yours, feel free to take it!

The lovely blog award from the wild Sherry 
I’ll give this one to the super sweet/lovely/amazing/talented Danielle , the extraordinary blogger Susan  and to the absolutely beautiful writer Felicities and Magpie for her magical shots.

The Kreativ blog award has been given to me twice from Danielle and Felicities. So, now I should nominate 14 bloggers and say 14 things about myself
Here are the nominations:
I don’t know how to talk about myself, so I thought of something more fun. You ask me anything you wanna know, post it as a comment and I’ll update this post to add your question along with its answer.

The Answers:

if you were going to have the perfect day...what would you be doing? 
Sleeping in bed, probably.

What's playing on you iPod right now??
I'm kinda developing an obsession with Muse these days.

Can you tell us your favorite movie and book?
Here are my favorite movies:
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
The Aviator
La Momme Piaff
There will Be Blood
As for the books, I can't really tell. You know,I find myself crazy about a novel and the moment I put it down and start another, I say, "This is just way better than anything I ever read!"

what's your favorite color? 
Brown, Beige, and Black. You know, till this very moment, I never realized they all start with a "B"

Are you really only 14? 
Yes, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish I were older. I'm turning 15 in two months

What kind of music do you enjoy?
Just until 6 months ago, I used to adore romantic ballads. But now, I am absolutely addicted to Alternative

who's your favorite character in Pride & Prejudice, and why?
If you asked me this question two years ago, I'd say Darcy. Till now, he is my favorite character, but the reasons are pretty different. In the past the reason would be: "He's my prince charming. DUH!!" But since I'm absolutely over the-prince-charming era, the reason is simply because I'm the female version of him.

if you were on death row and had to select your final and last meal, what would it be?
Fries, fries, and more fries! Then of course I'd drink coffee till my tummy bursts .


  1. conrats on teh awards and thank you for thinking of me. smiles.

    if you were going to have the perfect day...what would you be doing?

  2. Thank you so much for the award. I've never gotten this one before, so I'm super excited!!!

    What's playing on you iPod right now??

  3. Congratulations on your awards and thank you for passing on to me.

    Can you tell us your favorite movie and book?

    Have a great weekend...:-) Hugs

  4. Congrats on the awards! You deserve them-I've never read better poetry.

    Hmmm....I know this is going to sound pretty strange, but what's your favorite color? I think you can tell a lot about a person by their favorite color.

  5. Thanks for thinking of me for this award. This one's a little heavy handed on the rules.
    So, my question for you would be: Are you really only 14? I read your profile and am in awe of your favorite books. Your poetry is good stuff.

  6. might be kinda late you know since you just did an award post but I've got a new award for you so...

  7. Thank you so much for the award Maha, that is very sweet of you...I will post it on my sidebar.

    I would not have fourteen interesting things to write about myself.

    What kind of music do you enjoy?

  8. Hey Maha,
    Thanks so much for honoring my writings.
    And a question, hmmm, who's your favorite character in Pride & Prejudice, and why?

  9. Thank you Maha! I'm honoured; i do not know whether i deserve it, though! Thank you so much!

    Well, what do you love the most about Egypt?

  10. I totally accept! I'll post it tonight! Thank you! Sorry for my lack of visiting. Life has gotten larger than life and I was playing catch up all week. I'll be more attentive about stopping by.

  11. Blog Awards have a way of letting us know that we have touched someone's heart and mind. Bravo.

  12. Congratulations on your awards and thank you for passing on to me.

    home based data entry

  13. Thank you so much sweetie! Sorry it took so long to get here! We have many things in common...especially the coffee! xo

  14. Such well-deserved awards! Congratulations on being recognized for the talented writer that you are!

    And thank you for nominating me back - that was very sweet and I definitely appreciate it!

  15. Congrats on the awards, definately deserved! And thank you for thinking of muah to pass it along...

    I'm horrid with rules, but love your open questioning...

    One of my favs:
    If you were on death row and had to select your final and last meal, what would it be? You can have up to 4 courses... :)
